Common Foot Risk At Workplace
Your Feet at Work Your feet can take a pounding in the workplace. The daily demands of your job may include walking, standing for long...

Safe Way To Cut Nails
How to cut your nails the safe way On a regular basis, podiatrists see and treat toenails that have been trimmed incorrectly and have...

Callouses and Corns
Understanding callouses and corns Our feet play an important role in getting us around. There are times when the pressure placed on the...

Cracked Heel
Understanding Cracked Heel / Heel Fissures and Treatment Options Cracked heels are a common foot condition also known as heel fissures....

Foot Blisters
Blisters are fluid filled areas that develop under the skin in response to friction. The body responds to the friction by producing fluid...

Fungal Infection
Understanding Fungal infection (Athlete’s Foot, tinea pedis) Fungal infection of feet is very common skin conditions seen by...

Fungal Toenails
Understanding Fungal Toenails And How To Treat Them Effectively. Fungal toenail or onychomycosis is an infection affecting the nail plate...