Idiopathic Toe Walking
Understanding Idiopathic Toe Walking Most children begin walking at about 12 to 15 months of age. As they learn to walk, they often try...

Duck Feet / Out Toeing
Understanding Duck Feet – Out Toeing Out-toeing or duck feet is when your child’s foot points outward instead of straight ahead when he...

Pigeon Toes / Intoeing
Understanding Pigeon Toes - Intoeing In-toe or pigeon-toed is when the feet turned inwards as we walk. It is common in childhood and is...

Sesamoid Injuries
(Picture Credit: www.naturalfootgear.com) Understanding Sesamoid Injuries The sesamoid bones are two pea-shaped bones located in the ball...

Lower Limb Exercises
Exercises It’s best to do each of the exercises below 3 or 4 times during the day, starting in the morning, after getting out of bed....

Achilles Tendon Injuries
What is the Achilles tendon? A tendon is a band of tissue that connects a muscle to a bone. The Achilles tendon or the calf tendon is a...

Ankle Pain
Understanding Ankle Pain and Ankle Sprain Our foot and ankle support our body and keep us mobile on a day to day basis. Our ankle joints,...